Category Archives: Articles

General discussion

International Men’s Day — November 19

Speaking about the reality of today’s scenario, most of us discuss so much about women, their strength, how important they are to society, and about feminism. We rarely talk about men and their importance. Just as a woman plays major roles to bring up her family, men take equal and hardest pressure to lift every member in it. If women are strong in one way, men are stronger in many ways.
On an estimation of women’s achievements, a theme about men should also be contemplated equally.

So, how back-breaking is it to breathe as a man?
It is not just a woman who takes care of the hardships at home, but a man who is being an initiative for all the resources.
If a woman is meant to build her home, a man is building his family. He is running to pay the bills and expenses.
He behaves as an armour to protect his people.
His unceasing efforts are neither seen nor exhibited.
He struggles at the workplace. He strives hard for family welfare.
He runs the entire family; at the same time, he is being complained about the quality of rice. He enjoys the struggles to satisfy us.
He helps accomplish his son’s future, inspite of heavy burdens inside.
He is too concerned about his daughter’s well-being, just because the world is morally corrupted.
He carries a series of sensations to give a good life to his wife after the 60s.
Still, he is judged on things that he couldn’t do.
Don’t hurt HIM. Be sure that you appreciate him for the million little things he does.
Always compliment them, be it a father, a brother, or a husband.
Because, they care so much but they don’t understand the meaning of expressing it.
He leaves home everyday with the word “Take Care”.
He waves hand while leaving, but turns back once again to check if you locked home and got back inside.
He earns less, but brings home lots.
He says NO first, but later agrees with whatever you say.
He seems rude, but loves you secretly.
He restricts, but for the sake of goodness in future.
He never appreciates, but is always glad about your good work.

I have two special men in my life.

Firstly, my Dad. I’ve seen every little and tons of struggle my dad faced to give his two daughters and his wife the best life. He is a great inspiration and the biggest happiness to me.

Second, my Husband. Right now I see him thinking so much about me, my good and bad days, his career, our future. From being an irresponsible bachelor to suddenly being a perfect husband who started carrying a lot of responsibilities.

How beautiful these Men are!
He ain’t going to tell you “I love you” all the time. He might not be available to you when you need him. He won’t appreciate every meal that you do. He might miss an important plan with you. Understand. Understand his life, his pressure, and what he’s going through. Love him thoroughly with all your heart. Your actions or words shouldn’t add up to the burdens he’s already carrying. Let him know that he can come to you, look up to you, speak to you no matter how hard life gets. You’re his only companion and hope.
Thank the special men in your life every single day. They don’t need a reason to be greeted. They don’t have a replacement.

Amongst other men who rape and disrespect women, there are other gentle-hearted men out there who see a mother’s love in wife’s warmth, treat her well, respect her choices, listen to her broken stories, lift her up when she falls, hug her with silent prayers, and admire the purest beauty of womanhood right since his daughter is born.
Kudos to those lovely kinds! More love and peace to you.❤

Happy Men’s Day. ✨

© Yashica Priya

Subscribe to My Youtube Channel ❤️

Hey WordPress Fam ❤️ It’s been a very long time since I even posted or shared anything. I was going through a lot of things and life wasn’t easy. Went through a really tough time. Now trying to come out of it and diverting my thoughts into other things that will keep me engaged and get me going.

I have started a new YouTube Channel. Please subscribe and support my new journey. It surely will make a lot of difference in my life. I hope it will.

Here’s the link to my channel :

With all your support and encouragement, I have got a lot of courage to progress well in everything that I do. Kindly support my good start and wish me the best.

Bless you all and Love you. ❤️🙂

Lots of Love,

© Yashica Priya

From Puberty to Menopause

From Puberty to Menopause !

A physical suprise for every female. It all started with a pimple on her face and terrible pain on her back. Changes occured, where she started admiring herself. She blushed and her face turned red. She knew that she has to get through this every month, and she wished for the three days to get off soon.
Anciently, wasn’t she treated bad for this?
She was regarded odd for three days, every month.
She was not allowed to move or touch anything or to cross the place-limit provided, meaning she has to be away and everything she touches is a sin.
She was followed to every place inside the house wherever she goes, with a person behind sprinkling water on the floor.

With all these, soon she has to be ready to get laid with a man after marriage. Panic, pain, and fear. All at once. She has no option. She was expected to become pregnant the very next month. If not, they called her infertile and she has no eligibility to be a woman unless she gives birth.

A lot of hormonal changes during pregnancy. It wasn’t simple at all. Breast pain, gagging, dizziness, and drowsy all day through along with emotional stress. 9 long months. Couldn’t lay on comfortable positions to sleep with heartburn and headache. You lose weight and they said “What’s wrong? Lost a lot of weight? You’re so unhealthy. Eat for two”. And then, you put on more weight and they commented “This is overweight. Eat less. Or else you will end up in C-section”. Only a very few understands and help women to go forward. Others were much willing to break her confidence.

Delivers a baby with pain and happiness. Be it breastfeeding or formula feeding, she is now a new mother who is surviving distress with stretch marks and stitches, giving life to a little human. Lots of sleepless nights, postpartum depression, lack of good health. And then, she was ready for the next baby. That’s the power of motherhood.

Once she attains 50, she reaches her menopause.

After all, she was pure; she was bold; she was powerful; she was strong. Every woman has to be honoured, celebrated, admired, and glorified, because she is recognized for this.

To every women who are battling to become pregnant, you surely will. VERY SOON. ♥️♥️ Don’t let this break you. Cheer up. This too shall pass. This doesn’t make you any less of a woman. You are more stronger than anybody else.

Lots of love to all the women out there. HAPPY WOMEN’S DAY. 👸

 © Yashica Priya

Life is a Bed of Roses & Thorns!

Life is a bed full of roses and thorns, they say. But I know that most of our lives are filled with more of thorns than roses.

How does it feel like when someone has given you all the promises to take care of you and love you forever, and they break their promise when you are in the most difficult situation?

How does it feel like when you are emotionally breaking down and there is nobody to pick you up?

How does it feel when your soul is ripping apart and the person who loved you the most is the reason behind?

How does it feel when you have done the best to everyone around you and got nothing in return?

How does it feel when you are physically drowning and there is nobody beside you to say “Don’t worry love” ?

How does it feel being cheated by the ones you trusted the most?

And finally, how does it feel to have going through all the above at the same time?

If anyone here is going through this (I wish nobody does), trust me it is going to be alright. You will be happy again. You will love again and you will be loved again. Everything in life is a matter of moment. Nothing is temporary. Let it go and wait till you get what you deserve.

With love,

Yashica Priya

Sharing this with you all !

It’s been so long since I wrote a blog post.
I was so held up with a lot of things. But I was having so many thoughts running on mind and I thought I should definitely pen it down with words here.

I was conversing with one of my well-wishers a few things. This cleared my doubts and calmed me a bit more.

That friend of mine has always told me to hold on to being respectful to myself. Even if I very keenly follow that, there are very few around me who literally put me down with their words. I’ve always been someone who doesn’t care about any shitheads saying anything about me. But recently things had gotten tough and it started breaking me. Also, it has shown the true colours of their character. I’m at that point in life where I literally stoped minding about anyone gossiping behind my back. But the worst part of this is, no matter how much I try to do, people keep repeating their ridiculous act.
Of all, one of the best things I’ve done so far is to move away from people who disrespected and ill-treated me. I’ve learned that no matter who is it, they are never worth your self-respect. Dignity and class are important. It is completely okay to be rude, straightforward, and question back if anyone is touching your self-respect.
A kind advice to every woman facing this:
Whenever you feel another woman is making you feel so bad about yourself, your body, your skin or your hardwork, put your head up, don’t give a damn, and walk away. Don’t sit there and listen to the conversation either. They have the capacity to make you hate yourself. Never give that space to anyone. Someone celebrating you just by who you are and what you do is more important than someone constantly putting you down. After all, if you see them coming again and sticking around you, don’t give them a second chance.

It is such a shame that we live in a society where women put other women down. Let peace remain, please.

©️ Yashica Priya

Life is so Confusing.

It’s been so long since I wrote an article. I did not have time for myself nor couldn’t do anything to be occupied. I honestly felt like I wasn’t living my life as I expected. I had some rude feeling for myself. I kept all my feelings aside and put a thought on mind asking myself what should I do or change for peace! First thing is to ACCEPT. Accept life the way it is. Things are done and dusted. I cannot go back and change anything. It is what it is right now. Of all, I totally understood that it is completely useless to satisfy anybody. What are we going to gain through that? Literally nothing. Maybe some bad comments and degraded talks. No matter how much we do, in the end people gossip and complaint about the little things we didn’t do. Nobody will let you live the way you want. After all, you just need to be a benefit for other’s life. Adjust, sacrifice, hardwork, but still a bad name. You put all your life to work for someone else, and get blamed. I’ve been watching many diplomats recently. So heartless. I was standing so strong all these days but today I’m feeling so weak and panicking. Life is so confusing. Being a good-hearted person, we get to face only troubles and people backbiting about us. I still wish for something good to happen according to what I’ve wished for.

It’s always better to share things with my blog family! I missed you all so much. Thanks for reading and understanding. Love and Peace❤️

© Yashica Priya

Adultery is a Sin

A couple of months back, I came to know a shocking news about a person I personally know. It was Adultery / Extramarital Affair. An illegal relationship one has with someone after marriage. Many cases are happening now. How is that possible? I understand it is completely one’s choice to choose another life partner. But the thing is, why isn’t one proceeding this act in a legal way? They can divorce their wife/husband legally, move on from their children, and marry the partner of their choice. It is really disgusting to even look at faces of these men/women. Also I would say not only the person who does that has to be blamed. The “so-called” better half also had to take equal responsibility for the other to perform this act. It takes both husband and wife to be responsible for a relationship to sustain. If one goes out of the way from this, the other has to be blamed. Being a wife or a husband, I believe it’s okay to keep an eye when you start suspecting something is wrong. Always believe your gut. It never lies. It’s not like you doubt your partner. When they are so natural from the beginning and suddenly things change and there is definitely an alter in their behaviour, the lesser amount of time they spend with their partner, spending most of the time of phone chatting, it is important to keep an eye. It is necessary.
Me and my husband had a conversation on this. He asked me a question. “How will you react if you were in such situation?”. I answered, “Maybe I’ll try to talk and make it clear that we have a family and other responsibilities”, and so on. He gave me a reply depending on my answer. He said, “It is useless to spend life with such a partner. Be it husband or wife. Walking off from that life is the best decision one can make.” The answer he gave was so strong and I think it is sensible, rather than worrying the whole life about the person who cheated on you. In the end what we both personally felt was, neither a man nor a woman, they don’t reform completely anyway after one such thing has happened. It is a completely baseless life one can spend with his/her partner, after knowing about their true nature. As my husband said, moving on might at least save their children’s future ahead.

© Yashica Priya

3rd Year Blog Anniversary ✨

Successfully 😊

And now!! It’s my 3rd year Blog Anniversary today. ♥️ Successfully going on with this journey for the past 3 years, and it is so beautiful so far ✨ I have reached a lot of vision and positivity through this and I wish to continue this with lots of understanding and major wisdom. I’ve learnt so much all these years through blogging, and I’m still learning ♥️ Whoever has supported me from day 1 till today, thank you so very much. Especially my Blog family ♥️ You guys had always kept me going no matter what I face in life. Writing and blog are the best things that ever happened to me, and I’m so so glad that I’ve received 1.2K followers so far with a reach of 33K views and 15K visitors, and 205 posts and 3.7K searches on Google.
Thank you each and everyone. 🙏

Much Love,
© Yashica Priya

Father’s Day !


He is rude at times. It’s okay.
He shouts at me. It’s okay.
He never says “YES” so easily. It’s okay.
We have fought a lot. It’s okay.
We hardly spend time together. It’s okay.
He loves me like nobody.
He has given me the best smiles.
He is my good luck so far.
I admire every bit about him.
He is my happy tears.

Happy Father’s Day.

Wish him. Bless him.
‘Coz, there is no soul like him.

© Yashica Priya

Depression is Dangerous.

Don’t we plan and think so much of stuff regarding how to earn big, how to become a big shot among the society, and how to earn big circle of friends, and many many more? We spend half of our life dreaming to be big. Because to our thoughts and imagination, we presume that money, being wealthy, owning a bigger firm, and all that make us happy. But there is something even more that’s much needed to survive a better life. It is mental health! It is so saddening to know that people of young age commit suicide. Sushant Singh Rajput, a well-known actor, has ended his life. Honestly, I haven’t watched any movies of his. I’ve just admired him as a young, cute actor in the industry. He is just 34, has more than 10 million followers on Instagram, huge fan followers, lot of assets, many friends. Obviously being an actor he must have partied harder, had fun beyond limits, and everything. But to the outside world, nobody knows what a person is personally going through. We judge and define people’s life with what they pretend to show us. Inside each of us, there’s always an unsaid heartbreak, a hopeless dream, a terrible burden, and fears that are never shared to anyone. One of the most important things in life is to earn one person who will be there for you no matter how hard life gets. Because peace is more vital than earning money or any other factor. There is nothing more terrible than deciding to finalize a day to die in advance. That’s the result of the pressure and depression one is going through.

To anybody going through something, please talk. Please let it out. There are a lot of people who love you, want you, and wish to share life with you. There are lots to cherish about, fight for, and to live pleasantly, beyond making haste decisions to end life.
Sushant left with an example that just money or fame or success doesn’t determine one’s happiness. As long as we’re here, let’s be kind and polite to one another. We go through a lot of hurtful words, unforgettable fights and arguments. But at the least, at the end of the day, we shall try not to be the reason behind a spoilt day in someone’s life. Remember, each day, each minute, each second counts.
May your soul rest in peace, Sushant. The Universe will miss you.

© Yashica Priya


The Elephant! RIP Humanity.

“Dear Humans,
Mum was hungry. She needed food for me to survive and grow. You never know her happiness when she saw the pineapple. She blessed you before taking it inside. She felt relaxed a minute before having it chewed. It was a wild vibration I felt. Mum was screaming in agony. I couldn’t figure out what. She tried to survive. After all, she gave up. What was our mistake? You easily destroyed love.
~ The Baby Elephant.”

Offering food is an act of godliness. It is misused in the name of hate. RIP Humanity.

© Yashica Priya


The so-called happy girl, who stayed away from home to help her family, hanged out with her male friend to spend a happy weekend.
They took a public transport to reach home, unfortunately the girl being surrendered under five filthy guys.
Although having a person with all benefits to save a woman, man power did not work there, as he was shaken off.
She was raped.
It was her life, but to them it was game and fun making a girl cry in pain.
She raised her voice, not bravely but to beg leaving her alone.
She feared her life after that.
Random thoughts hit her mind hoping to save herself.
Blood boiled in every nerve but her hands were held tight not letting her move.
Tears poured out of her eyes knowing the truth that the exclusive right of men was wrongly used on her.
The privilege of no men helped her which made her understand the conception that her life is built only on lies.
Unworthy of respect, every cloth were torn in fast motion.
She didn’t know where to stop and what to handle.
While one on her, the other four stood by staring at her naked body.
The words they uttered were cruel and ruthless.
Every footstep they took killed her inch by inch, minute by minute.
Vagina bled.
Her genitals were torn using an iron rod.
Finally, she was thrown on the road like a used tissue.
The protest to get justice for her was really immense, not less. But no immediate actions. And these continued and are still.

To those supposed-to-be men who ruin every life this way, you have the most impure old blood.

Each of the women thought Nirbhaya was the end. No, she was just the beginning.

© Yashica Priya

May 28 – World’s Menstruation Hygiene Day

I wait for it every month.
I know it aches, but still I wait.
A bleed or a curse or a shame?
After all a bleed, may be; I still wait.
Assuming it to be a good sign,
I endure that pain.
As if knifes striking my lower back,
needles pricking my abdomen,
and heavy soreness on breasts,
my sins are washed away as blood, on the cotton pad.
I sense a sort of inconvenience between my thighs,
as the blood stains were outspreading.
I wake up before anyone to take bath,
so that nobody could smell the disgust on my body.
I wrap it inside a black polythene,
because I don’t want to be judged on that.
I question, are these the cry of women’s body?
Nevertheless, this one week of vital blood
served me the sentence that I’m a complete woman.
Yes, those impure blood is the reason behind every pregnancy.

Women must be brave enough to say they’re off at work/anywhere because of menstruation, instead of hiding behind headache or back pain. It is always better to show the world we are courageous.
Red Dots are Pride. Be proud!

© Yashica Priya

May 15 – International Family Day ❤️


Whomever it could be, whatever bad they’ve done to you, however they’ve hurt you, it’s okay! Bind one another with pure love. It is the most important today, something that’s given with no cost but from the bottom of the heart. Love. Simply love each other Beyond The End. Family is what built us, and family is what we build together. Give hands to one another and raise with wonderful colours. We make it, not just at once but day by day, again and again. Save it. Treasure it. 💕

If you have a hand to hold on, share with them how your day was, get to taste that hot rice with tasty curry, and one person to serve you food and sit beside till you finish, you win this life. Because at the end, all that will matter is Family.

© Yashica Priya

Mother’s Day 🤱

Mother—A position every woman loves to hold, be in it, and do the justice for the term. From the moment her child is born and till the last breathe on her deathbed, all that she does is sacrifice. She sacrificed her virginity. She was ready to accept the changes in her body. Her altered hormones though. She tolerated the soreness to breastfeed you. She heard hundreds and thousands of advices to raise you well. She always checked on every meal before giving you. She always made sure your cot is neat and clean, your dresses are ready for the next day, and shoes are well polished. She made no excuses to make your favourite sandwiches for your lunch box while in haste cooking dal and bhindi for the family. She always saved the best pieces of chicken for you and made sure you plate is full everytime. She was falling apart whenever you were sick, but never failed to boost you up. She always believed in you, your work, in your success, and most importantly when you failed. She kept you motivating. She kept you growing. As we grew up, we hurt her the most with or without knowledge but she is never complaining and never sharing her pain with anyone. Because no matter what, we know she will not hate us. We took her for granted, made fun of her, and didn’t care to notice her hardships. Every day as long as she is alive, cherish her presence, be with her, talk to her, make her feel like she is the best human in the Universe. If you’re reading this and are away from her, ring her up and say “Thank you for everything”. Because she loved you with your mistakes and even at her hardest times.

Happy Mother’s Day, to all women here, and especially to the ones who are soon planning to be one. ❤️ Lots of love and peace to you.

© Yashica Priya

What are we up to these Quarantine Days?

How is this quarantine going for everyone? Are we happy? Or clubed with thoughts and emotions? Everyone is going through the same tough situation though. And some are even worse. There are a lot of people outside, who go for daily wages work, without food now. And people who are home with all essentials are not happy with anything around. Few desparately want to go out, meet friends and families, and want to go to job. I know this is so bad for each of us here. Many wedding chapters have been postponed, whereas few took place within a little space.
The major thing that’s happening is misunderstandings and random arguments between spouses. I have been hearing a lot recently, and even today. What not! Even me and my husband went through the same situation a couple of days back. To my thoughts, it is not a big thing to think about it and fight back with your spouse. All of us are stuck in a position where we’re occupied with a lot of thoughts that are actually not necessary. We just face those four walls, look at each other the whole day, and try to go on with time till end of the day. This has more chances of creating madness, anger, and boredom, keeping our mind ideal. It is true they say, “An ideal mind is a devil’s workshop”. We keep giving more volume of thoughts to even the simplest things which is causing all the misunderstanding and unnecessary spat with partner or anybody. This is a time to be together, time to understand each other, being patient with one another, love endlessly. But we all fail at some point. Spend more time face-to-face. Because, this is one agreement myself and my husband are working on. And you know what? It helps! Truly, yes. We keep our phones away, and are practicing this habit of talking to each other on how the day went for both of us; his office work, my day time, some general news. Speaking and sharing helps too much beyond what we expect. Parents, who have children of young age, can spend time with kids and teach them many learnings. Give them little activities, which means not just that are related to academics. It can also be simple household works, helping in the kitchen, a short session in the terrace to get fresh breeze, and teach them physical exercises. Show them there is a lot to perform within this little space. We have so much to do, learn, and keep learning more. Especially housewives, it is not just your kitchen even now. Take care of your body and do something for yourself to build you better. Don’t forget yourselves while taking care of others. Get enough rest, sleep and relax, and stay hydrated. Cleanse your mind and detox your body.
Because, it is important, and you matter the most.
Let’s all try to be stress-free instead of worrying when this will end. Hard times don’t last. Let’s hope for it. We’re coming out of this together.

© Yashica Priya

A Personal Experience.

I got injured back-to-back a few days ago. It was a very painful segment for me, when you have plans lined up and be excited about. Everything had to be cancelled because of my carelessness toward myself. X-rays, scans, medicines! Too painful than one can imagine. While I was recovering from one, another one began. Apart from all these, this injury and pain taught me few things. Take care of oneself. It is important. Our body is our biggest prestigious treasure. Never take it for granted. Let me tell you. If you experience anything different in your body or internal organs, go to the hospital. Just have a little consultation with your doctor. That’s a bigger help you do to your health at Stage 1. It never should be, “After all a stomach disorder, a knee pain, constant inconvenience”. Take if serious. Your body tells you something isn’t right. Healthcare is a priority. Getting well from illness is a blessing. I’m already thankful to it! Moreover, the best thing that happened to me is my families. Phone calls, people coming over to see me, constant messages. Hardest times always prove who all really cares and have time for us. I’m feeling intensely blessed to have them all with me. True hearts care. Best families from both sides! ✨

© Yashica Priya

Please, Let’s All Stay Positive Now. Don’t Panic.

There are so many posts that I’ve been recently reading about Corona Virus. And I see many people sharing more posts on it. Look, it is severe and devastating. Agreed. But the more you look or read such posts, the more fear it will cause within you. Not just you but aslo within others. Updates are fine, but going so deep into it is for no good. I heard few people saying they avoid to see/hear news on Covid-19. When you share updates about it, it is causing a greater inconvenience as it tries to alter someone’s confidence with more fear. Instead of spreading negativity, let us calm down for a while, stay home, hope for the best, and pray. Or otherwise belive that the world is getting better. I don’t believe much in God or prayers, but the least I’m doing is to believe for something good to happen around the world. The Universe has a deeper connection with each of us and our thoughts. When you continuously fear about something bad is going to happen, it will. Living in this situation right now, it is high time we must feel grateful for being safe at home. Thank the place you live in, thank the food that you eat, thank the people around you for being with you. Because, being isolated will be more equal to death. Please avoid having thoughts like “What if it increases? What if it spreads so fast?” or any kinds of What-ifs. Expand your mind to develop positivity. Surely and confidentially say that we’re coming out of this, we will succeed through it. One negative thought blindfolds thousands of positive mindsets around you. It’s time for us to strongly believe that we, together, are going to be happy again.

© Yashica Priya

Revolution in Education | Empowering Students with Basic Life Skills.

The knowledge about having basic life skills among students is hardly seen. Life skills are things that can be anything that’s helpful for your kids to grow better in every aspect of circumstances. Some of them include facing and overcoming problems, learning any process, thinking out of the box, ignoring negative thoughts and people, accepting ups and downs, and most importantly self-love.

Good Behaviour
In this generation of educational system, it has become so rare to see children getting to know about basic morals and values of discipline and good manners—the very basic qualities that will build your child’s behaviour. This will help them serve their life better.

Facing Criticism
One of the major issues children are facing is criticism. How to face it and get through? Criticism is everywhere. Let your kids know that critics exist in every atmosphere. From birth to death. Tell them the best way to avoid such situations is by not minding and not lending ears to those low-quality conversations. Too much criticism affects one’s self-esteem. One of the right things we teach our kids is habit of giving appreciation to everyone and everything. It is important for them to learn because it becomes a quality of their character by not judging anyone with looks, status, physique, or the atmosphere they live in. Everyone is equal here. Also, most importantly, it is strictly not necessary for them to sit anywhere where people have filthy, powerless, and degrading conversation. Because, you don’t raise your child to gossip anything not needed or to speak ill about anything. You raise them to be a good human, first of all.

Developing Self-Love and Self-Esteem
Children have to love themselves, at first place, before they could genuinely love others. As parents, give them the opportunity to choose. When they come to you for help or need, just give them ideas and guide them. Let them proceed and progress in it. Be it getting their uniforms and shoes in the morning, till arranging their bed while going to sleep. Teach them to do their own work; say, organizing their clothes, washing their plates, arranging their wardrobe, and keeping their place clean. Once they practice this habit, it becomes a necessary everyday-routine. This will create enough confidence in them by getting their things done on their own without being dependent. Of all, give them your attention. It means the world to them. Appreciate even when they do a simple good thing. Spend time with them. They don’t ask you for me when they realize parents are the best. That gives them immense happiness, and they start loving and believing you more than anyone else. When you face a problem, don’t panic or get your face weird in front of them. Instead, be normal and smile and say it is solvable. That will help them know that no problem is huge and can be resolved. You set an example there, as in, more like accepting mistakes, flaws, consequences, and still being normal and loving your life, which creates more love for themselves and the life they live.

Facing Challenges
Teach your children to focus on their challenges and outputs. Tell them challenges are tests and trails that will mould them to become better. There will be positive and negative. There will be success and failure. Say that it is completely okay to lose a game, fail a tournament, to be backward in a race. Give them the chances to explore the outside atmosphere so that they can see out-of-the-box opportunities. Never keep your child in comfort zone. Let them come out of it. It improves their confidence, as they see things differently and aspire more. Once they start doing it, assure them if they keep trying, progress and success will be more visible.

As we live in today’s reality, it is more important to teach your kids about self-control over things they don’t need or not right. Being children, they find it attractive when they see something from other kids or what they do. If it is truly necessary, buy them. If not, it must be a strict NO. This practice will have a huge impact in their future. They will think twice before doing anything. That helps them have patience in life which will actually help them realize not everything that they want is important and not everything they don’t get is a loss. Also, it helps them manage their anger or frustration without any strong emotion.

Many of the educational institutions don’t concentrate on building up each kid with these lessons. They might help them with career but definitely not with basic life skills that are majorly needed. As parents, it is our duty to teach them all these to bring out positive development, strong goals, and superior challenges in children. I, strongly and personally, believe there is no better teacher or any institution that teaches your kid than their own parents. Because, what you, as parents, cultivate in them is what your child becomes.

© Yashica Priya

Valentine’s Day 💕

“So what’s your plan? Day out, candle light, roses and gifts, surprises?”, they asked about one day.

“It’s marriage, children, family, grey hair, wrinkled eyes, walking stick, and still together with one person”, I explained about my whole life. ❤️

© Yashica Priya

First Confident Post after New Year. 💕💯

This was a personal experience that I would like to share with whoever reading this.

Well, it was last year when my alliance was fixed, and I was engaged right after that. I had like 4 solid months for marriage. An important interval where every bride would be of mixed emotions. Just like that, I was too. Just after a couple of weeks after I got married, I had so many pimples all over my face. A completely clueless situation where you just don’t understand why it is happening so. Maybe because of a few stress or the feeling of fear to new life, coz they say stress is the major reason behind. I was totally depressed with that. I didn’t know what to do or how to face people, because that is the time so many visit you, the “new bride”.
The questions, laughter, hate, and all those I underwent are something so painful. People usually care less about asking “Hey how is your new life?”. Instead, they love asking, “What is wrong with your face? You never had this before?”. They ask you all the “Why & How” factors, when you’re already dying over it. I would also agree that I had good sweet people on my side who never questioned about it directly to me nor did they comment on it. Each and every day after marriage were the days where I used to sit in the room and cry to my husband. I couldn’t help saving or controlling myself from that depression as a very few people around kept adding stress with hell lot of questions and sarcasm. This doesn’t may sound too problematic to a few reading this. But being a girl, carrying so much inside, couldn’t tell anyone about it, couldn’t guess what’s happening around, I felt lost in the period where I was supposed to be happy. Those tears, regrets, guilt lead me to take a decision on what could be done to solve that little issue. I started doing all the possible ways to clear it. Had plenty of water, detoxing my body in natural ways, healthier foods, vegetables. Of all, the best thing I did was, I stopped stressing myself over the questions and hurtful words from anyone. I stayed calm, positive. No matter what happens I decided not to react. Doing that so longer fetched me the most unexpected results. I cleansed not just my face and body, but also my soul, thoughts, and mind.
We, humans, usually when facing something become frustrated and angry over it. I was the same before. Instead, using the same as a weapon to build me became more easier that pleasing anyone or minding them. It is completely useless to cry over things that worry us. Take it as a challenge and become mentally and physically stronger. Today, I’m thanking people who pulled me down. 💫🌟
Stay positive. Stay blessed. ♥️

© Yashica Priya

New Year Eve !

The last day in calendar. I would like to thank all those people who were on my side at the time of difficulties, those who helped me to get through it, those who really lended me their ears when I shared my lame thoughts, those who surprised me with little things, those who showed so much love on me which at times made me think if I even deserve it, those who made me smile and laugh. Special thanks to all you people here in my blog and followers who spent your precious time reading my blog and enjoyed. I feel so full. Thank you so much guys for making this year so great. Let the Universe kiss you with its good will. ♥️

Thank you 2019, for all the lessons and blessings to mastering and moulding me.
Great Cheers to 2020 ! ✨💫 Love & Peace to all.

© Yashica Priya

Loneliness is a Huge Depression

Being alone with nobody around or have nothing to do for a longer time is a serious thing to be treated. Suffering from mental agony of loneliness is much equal to that of extreme physical pain one can go through. People like them become depressed very easily even at the simplest failures. They long for connection with people but still refuse to do that because they’re used to the feeling of isolated and being alone. The most worse cases happen when married couples become divorcees and a sudden demise of loved ones. They undergo a serious phase of irritation; lack of concentration, losing hope in life, afraid to fall in love again, or even doubt their existence anymore. The lame laziness to wake up and feel the other side of the bed is empty, sitting in an empty balcony with two cups of tea but one person, going to workplace and find nothing interesting, cooking the same set of meal everyday and washing the same old clothes, sitting in a room and looking at those walls and getting lost with confused thoughts. There are a lot of things to be done, to cherish, to establish, and to enjoy. It all depends on how to manage and tackle to keep things in order to keep abreast with the perfect illustration of our dreams. The pain of our final breathe lasts just for a minute, but every second of loneliness kills.

© Yashica Priya

November 19 – International Men’s Day ❤

Speaking about the reality of today’s world, most of us discuss so much about women, their strength, how important they’re to the society, and about feminism. We rarely talk about men and their importance. Just as how a woman play major roles to bring up her family, men take equal and hardest pressure to lift every member in it. If women are strong in one way, men are stronger in many ways.
On an estimation of woman’s achievements, a theme about men should also be contemplated equally.
So, how back-breaking is it to breathe as a man?
It is not just a woman who takes care of the hardships at home, but a man who is being an initiative for all the resources.
If a woman is meant to build her home, a man is building his family. He is running to pay the bills and expenses.
He behaves as an armour to protect his people.
His unceasing efforts are neither seen nor exhibited.
He struggles at workplace. He strives hard for family’s welfare.
He runs the entire family; at the same time, he is being complained about the quality of rice. He enjoys the struggles to satisfy us.
He helps accomplish his son’s future, inspite of heavy burdens inside.
He is too concerned about his daughter’s well-being, just because the world is morally corrupted.
He carries a series of sensations to give a good life to his wife after 60s.
Still, he is judged on things that he couldn’t do.
Don’t hurt HIM. Be sure that you appreciate him for the million little things he does.
Always compliment them, be it a father, a brother, or a husband.
They care so much but they don’t understand the meaning of expressing it.
He leaves home everyday with a word “Take Care”.
He waves hand while leaving, but turns back once again to check if you locked home and got back inside.
He earns less, but brings home lots.
He says NO first, but later agrees with whatever you say.
He seems rude, but loves you secretly.
He restricts, but for the sake of goodness in future.
He never appreciates, but is always glad about your good work.

I have two special men in my life.
Firstly, my Dad. I’ve seen every little and tons of struggle my dad faced to give his two daughters and his wife the best life. He is a great inspiration and the biggest happiness to me.
Second, my Husband. Right now I see him thinking so much about me, my good and bad days, his career, our future. From being an irresponsible bachelor to suddenly being a perfect husband who started carrying a lot of responsibilities.
How beautiful these Men are!
He ain’t going to tell you “I love you” all the time. He might not be available to you when you need him. He won’t appreciate every meal that you do. He might miss an important plan with you. Understand. Understand his life, his pressure, and what he’s going through. Love him thoroughly with all your heart. Your actions or words shouldn’t add up to the burdens he’s already carrying. Let him know that he can come to you, look up to you, speak to you no matter how harder life gets. You’re his only companion and hope.
Thank the special men in your life every single day. They don’t need a reason to be greeted for. They don’t have a replacement. Amongst other men who rape and disrespect women, there are other gentle-hearted men out there who see a mother’s love in wife’s warmth, treat her well, respect her choices, listen to her broken stories, lift her up when she falls, hug her with silent prayers, and admire the purest beauty of womanhood right since his daughter is born.
Kudos to those lovely kinds! More love and peace to you.❤
Happy Men’s Day. ✨

© Yashica Priya

Do You Love Them?

How do you know you love them?

When you see their tears through text, sense how much pain they bear, know the value of that heart, and you feel everything inside your nerves and want to give the whole lot support of yourself just to see them smile and feel comfortable in your presence, know that you’ve literally fallen for them.

© Yashica Priya

Met New People? Don’t Forget Old Ones.

Moving on is the toughest segment one can go through in life. They talk to you, create memories with you, give you surprises, take efforts to be with you. But nothing remains the same throughout. Everything changes. Everyone changes. It is completely sick to expect people to remain the same with you. They find new people, different relationship, fresh career, or their dream environment. The atmosphere they engage into changes them completely. Also, you might have given them so much importance in life. You might have made them really really special. They might have cherished all that you have done to them. But it is not the same always. They never asked you to do all these but you did. Why? Because you love them? Because you want them to stay in your life forever? So that they won’t move aside from you? If these are the factors, it’s time to feel sorry for yourself. Trust me, your efforts, time, love, care, or whatever you do for others come with a expiry date in one’s life. Once it is there, it’s no more of your time with them anymore. Someone else overtakes. They find a deep connection with that new person. Giving lectures, trying to create a bond again, going behind, doing all the possible things to make them stay—no; nothing would really work. If one of you decide it is over, it means it is. Moving on is difficult. Letting go of something that kept you alive is tremendously hurtful. But think. Haven’t you done your best to always keep them at first place? Haven’t you showered enough love to always gel with them? Haven’t you asked them where all their efforts have gone? Haven’t you earlier told them how it feels to be ignored? Haven’t you tried explaining that loneliness kills? Haven’t you told that lack of appreciation creates inferiority? Haven’t you cried your feelings to them? You did everything. Literally everything. Enough being what you are not. Be what you really are. You’re so good to yourself. Treat your body better. Take care of your heart well. May your mind be relieved from all distressing thoughts. Few things that happen in life break your soul, tear you apart, put you lifeless. Move in front. Get back from unrealistic surrounding what you thought was real. It is possible. Push yourself to do that. One day, these will not even matter. Bless them and let it go. From stronger to being strongest.
Peace and Love to all.

© Yashica Priya

The Love 🍀

The language of love between us is holy and innocent,
as long as we shower this sublime benevolence.
I’m sure going to fall for you again and again,
since you filled the void in my life with immeasurable joy.
I’m blinded by your love, and we’re bonded with fondness, truly and deeply.
I just can’t resist telling you that you’re my everything;
Of all, my genuine goodness and contentment.
To you, I give the whole of myself, because you’re the best thing I ended up with;
a blessing I never had before.
This bond will be unstoppable and uncontrollable.
You’re the sunshine that gives me light,
and the gravity that holds me tight.
I’m your constant and you’re my permanent.
We both together are perfectly awesome.
My desires are very little, yet so strong;
Love me. Love me endlessly!
I’m incomplete without you.
Thank you for being the classic art of loyalty.
Your love proved that there’s a little piece of heaven on Earth.
My real zone of honest happiness,
I love you BEYOND THE END.

With abundance of Love, Joy, and Peace,

© Mrs. Yashica Priya. ❤️

Happy Friendship Day ❤️

Friendship, the first relationship born in the outside world.
By shaking hands initially, they became our blood-like relations.
The local hangouts and junk foods gave the best memories.
A laugh together everytime rejuvenates.
Only relation that has no gender domination.
The deep ties, unspoken impressions, and plain emotions did not vanish.
The memories cherished are treasured till the grave.
In between, we all grew up.
The unforgotten birthday wishes are the only communication we feature, and that is how life transformed.
Happy Friendship Day all of you!
More Love and Peace to all good friends! 💚

© Yashica Priya

An Imaginary City. ♥️✨

There is a city, deep inside my heart and in corner of my imagination.
It’s a beautiful place with colourful street light, and pink roads.
Our home is a little stone house,
with cute wooden furnitures and ceramic culinary sets.
Painted in the theme of black and white colours.
We have curtains of solid silver and black metallic balls,
which make happy sounds whenever we slide it across.
There’s a little pond with colourful fishes and two beautiful crotons.
It was a perfect evening to take a walk to the city’s beautiful market.
Little kittens and puppies running around the street corners,
with a layer of rain water covering the land,
and the Love of my life beside me.
A small hut and a old lady selling raw mangoes and amla,
we sprinkle some paprika and salt on it, to give our taste buds a high spice.
Other corner had a man grilling hot chicken tandoori.
Meanwhile, our floral transparent umbrella dripping rain water on the sides,
touching the waist and thighs.
I look above and see the nature spilling it’s blessing on us.
The road looks empty,
just with us and few people taking their way to reach home,
and two sparrows searching for a shelter.
My hair clutch was sliding down, and his watch dial covered with droplets of rain water.
With calmness around, no unnecessary volumes of anything, and his hand holding mine,
we look at each other with undefined smile and love.
There’s no secret in the city,
neither in our hearts.
We converse about all the things we see on the lane, and speak out all the words from heart.
On reaching home, I take my way to the kitchen to prepare his favourite Elachi Ginger Tea.
I pour it in a mud cup, reach him to the balcony, sit on the cushion sofa, and admire rain water dripping down through the roof.
No hiding, no magic, no lies,
but to hold hands, stay around, pull waist, talk about life, and smile together.

An Imaginary City of Love and Togetherness. ♥️

© Yashica Priya

Be Good for No Reason

Why is that people put other people down? Isn’t that a sign of immaturity? Are you really that who judge others, gossip about someone’s life, and treat them low-grade? You don’t always see results in people more common, as you expect it to be. Our job is to mind our own life; not anyone’s. We go around and across a lot of shit. We easily hurt people, with or without knowledge. Don’t grind anybody’s feelings, emotions, and sensitivity. It is so very easy to advice or recommend people with your advices. In real, it is hard to follow it ourselves. I see many people working hard, striving much harder to comfort their families, as in hectic financial statuses, incurable diseases, physical and emotional tortures, and many. How many of us sit back and shut our mouths instead of just saying things on face to directly hurt them? People with enough sense don’t find pleasure in someone’s hurt. When you can judge or talk so much about it, the person who is personally experiencing it know it better than you and is already working on it. If you cannot be positive or spread goodness into a heart that’s trying to heal, you can at least try our best to chuck off all the wound words you’re about to say. Don’t smash someone’s confidence. Don’t create inside them the lack of self-esteem. No matter how good we’re in and out, we’re being judged. Everytime. In every way. There’s no lack for complaints about the physique you possess, the dress you wear, the money you earn, and the atmosphere you live in. We’re adults. I suppose it’s a matter of basic common sense to greet people with love, to send some good words, to admire that one or two little respectful things a human expose. We desparately need to cultivate and nourish the habit of polishing one another with positive attitude. Practice the act of gratitude. Focus on your own improvement and praise other’s success. Take responsibility on what you should be serious about. Stop arguing too much. Let go of the toxic humans and poisonous thoughts. Always remember, “Blowing out someone else’s candle doesn’t make yours shine any brighter”.
Personally, I’ve learnt and still learning a lot on how to handle a few things in life. I’m getting wiser and better each and everyday. Putting in simple words, I stopped giving a damn to a few worthless humans around. It creates more happiness and peace inside me. ❤
Love & Peace ✌️

© Yashica Priya

Blog Anniversary ✨❤️

BEYOND THE END turns 2 today. ✌️
A very memorable and wise path so far. It’s all because of Her I’m here today. So many writings, articles, poetries, which gave me name and happiness! It’s good when people see me after so long and don’t ask about me but my blog! I’m so happy that my blog has impacted so many ✨ The real sunshine of my life. I literally want to do more of it and go beyond miles. I haven’t been blogging frequently for a while, but I’ve decided to give it a full shot again and start with the same effort. Thank you all for loving my contents and encouraging me to become what I’m today. I love you all. ❤️
Reached 1.1K followers, and now to continue further with 170 posts. More to go🥰
Love & Peace.

~ Yashica Priya ✨

‘Coz I wanted to talk on this!

So. This was one post I came across recently.
The first lame question on it is, “Still you think Girls are weak?”
Dear girls,
First of all, nobody call us weak. There are most of the men who admire women, their hardships, their sacrifices, and their responsibilities. No part in your body is weak except your mind that enables you to question again and again “Do you call us weak? Are we just this and are we just that?” and so many as such. Please! You’re strong and everyone knows it. Stop expecting anyone to describe your strength. Talk about it with pride instead of questioning your own capability. Chill. You’re stronger than men. Not weak at all. Cool.

Well, the content of the post is just a part. The major part in the screenshot is the comment. It seems women are “bragging” over their periods and pregnancy.
How firm and talented!
Hold on.
@Varsha Kadam.
I understand that these are the common pain that woman has to undergo as she’s left with no choice. Describing about these pains are not “bragging”, as you say. Life of a girl changes very frequently. It is not that easy. “We have it because we’re built like that and definitely not an achievement.” True. Maybe it’s called “bragging” to your sixth sense. But I call it a sense of “gratification” and “fulfilment”. You have the difference here. If men could “brag” about their first Goa trip, their first own car, their first booze with friends, their first onsite offer, I think women “bragging” just about their periods and pregnancy is no big deal. It is not a fuss. It is basic.
Men change cities for job but they don’t change families. They don’t have to bend to rules from a random family.
Not a sharp point from you, girl. It’s a tight slap you’ve given for yourself.
It is so sick to see women downgrading other women. Shame! No need to support. But at least shut up.

© Yashica Priya

For a Successful Marriage Life!

Marriage is a fear not just for women but also for men. Men, as well, take multifold responsibilities and build many plans and dreams on the corner of their heart. While a woman thinks of how to build her family, a man becomes lost in thoughts as in how to balance his finances and still doesn’t fail to make every member in his family happy. The real beauty they’re! For a happy marriage, it needs effort from both, the men and women.

Respect each other’s choice regardless of who is right or who is wrong. You’re not into a war to decide who wins. It’s a feeling and a different idea from both sides. When one is so strong with what they say, don’t keep arguing on the thing. It’s absolutely fine to adjust and tap on their back. Value your relationship more than your ego.

*Argue and Fight, but Bounce Back.
No matter how well things go between you both constantly, there will be instances where both of you will lose your mind and start arguing. It’s natural. Argue for a very short time and try to resolve the problem as soon as possible. If it feels like never-ending, both of you stop it right there and give it some time. Either one of you will understand and bounce back to normal, which will make the other understand. Things said calmly has more power to solve fights.

*Be Best Friends at First Place.
This is more important. Be each other’s bestest friends. Do all that a friend does. A tease, a prank, a care, a love, and crack every possible lame jokes and laugh. Literally laugh! Lock your phone and leave the social media behind and talk looking at each other’s face. Smile and say things. Discuss about anything and nothing. It makes your relationship stronger day by day.

* Appreciate Each Other.
Even if they look bad, appreciate them, their looks, and all the little things they do. Even if there are lots of people to admire and appreciate them, they’ll look for your comment and feeling about them. Give all your love, hug them, and appreciate with all your heart.

*Trust him/her. Always!
This is the foundation to build a relationship in a more mature way. Good or bad happenings, always believe your partner if you’re sure that they won’t go beyond the limits, because that’s how you have always known them from the beginning. Suspecting is a disease. Once it becomes stronger, nobody, not even you, can save your relationship. It’s like losing a real treasure for a useless imagination.

* Little Space and Privacy.
Fight as crazy as you could. But never take it to the ears of anybody. Anger and fight make you forget about your partner’s good things they possess. It is the time where you puke out all the shitty words against each other. Never ever let anybody know about it. Your fights resolve within hours but gossips go on forever. Don’t let anyone label you both as “Bad”. It’s a disrespect you show toward your relationship.

* Being Grateful and Being Sorry.
They say it’s not necessary to say ‘thank you’ and ‘sorry’ in a relationship. False. If is important to say ‘thank you’ for every little good thing. And, say sorry even when you make the slightest mistake.

*Be Honest even when it’s Hard.
If you ever decide to commit yourself in a good life, be truthful to yourself and loyal to your spouse. Mistakes are fine. But whatever you do, let them know and never repeat it henceforth. Trust is pure and being trusted is valuable. Don’t lose that.

* Remember, Everything has a Solution.
No fight is worthy to extend it long enough or blow it huge. Everything is solvable. Sit, analyze, and talk to each other. Don’t jump to conclusions or imagine to yourself all the unwanted stuff as it will lead to unexpected misunderstandings between you both.

*Be Kind to Each Other.
I know it’s more tedious to watch our words at the heat of moment. But yes. Be careful of what you say. Be kind. No matter what, be kind. Even the simplest swords of hurtful words from you can pierce them deep. It would turn into a long-lasting guilt if the one you love shed tears because of you. Be careful of what you do or say!

Marriage is a beautiful lifetime commitment. Take up the process without fear. It’s a life thriller with twists and turns. Hold hands and walk together. Carry each other with love. Hug them. Raise one another. Watch them succeed. Be their pillar. Being with that one person, you can win this world. Be better and build to be the best. Because, Love is all that you need. Love beyond limits! ❤

© Yashica Priya

May 15 – International Family Day ❤️

Whomever it could be, whatever bad they’ve done to you, however they’ve hurt you, it’s okay! Bind one another with pure love. It is the most important today, something that’s given with no cost but from the bottom of the heart. Love. Simply love each other Beyond The End. Family is what built us, and family is what we build together. Give hands to one another and raise with wonderful colours. Because it’s your “FAMILY”. :’) We make it, not just at once but day by day, again and again. Save it. Treasure it. I’m blessed to be a part of two beautiful families today. 💕

Much Love,

© Yashica Priya 🌸

Happy Mother’s Day 😊

Happy mother’s day to all the fabulous Moms in the universe who is making their families a heavenly surrounding and their house a happy paradise. Each of the woman I met so far is pretty stronger in their own way of beauty. Apart from all physical pain and hormonal changes, they emerge and never stop blooming! They’re nothing lesser but extraordinary and more. Special wishes to a dad, a friend, a husband, a brother, a sister, or whosoever it may concern, who act as a replacement of being a mother to someone in some way at some time by giving complete care and warmth regardless of any factor. Love, Peace, and Prayers to each such soul. ❤❤
Nobody here deserves an old age home. :’)

Much Love,

© Yashica Priya 🌸

I’m the New Bride-to-be. ❤️

So it’s all done. I packed my bags. My wardrobe is empty. All set to leave my family and home. Few hours left. Counting my last hours as Spinster, and himself as a Bachelor. I’m super excited; also I let my tears flow at night. I’m so embarrassed. I have to wake up to get prepared for my big day. I’ve bought all the beautiful dresses and sarees. I’m loving my ornaments. My mehandi prints are fabulous. I’m gearing up my mind to stand there in front of the huge crowd, with my fiancé. My mom talks about how to life further, how to cook good food, when to wake up in the morning, how I should treat his family, how flexible should I be situations and blend with people; and on the other side my dad starts his lecture. Hell lot of advices from both. For the very first time, their goodness and guidance put me in tears instead of ending up in anger. Parents seem to sound so beautiful at some instances. 24 years of my journey with them. So much comfort and love, all these days and every minute. I’m so deeply jailed behind my thoughts. I’ll no longer be pampered under my parents’care. Myself and my very own family is changing into a long-distance relationship. I’m so afraid. So much. What should I do the very next day at his house? Go to the kitchen early in the morning? Greet my in-laws? So, how will they respond to me back? When to take a break and relax on the couch? A sudden transformation from ‘I lay on my bed all day long and my mom never minds’ to ‘I’ve to take up multiple responsibilities and keep up with my duties everyday’. So weird! When should I go to bed and when does my morning shades appear? What if I act strange or funny sometimes in front of my new family? Will they judge me? Will they love me all the time? I’m confused. I’m scared. I’ve to prepare myself for everything and face it alone. New people, new surroundings, new taste of foods, new relationships. I know I can no more complaint about having Upma for my breakfast. Nor I can make something different according to my taste. It is that. That’s how it is supposed to be. I understand. I’ll miss my mom switching off the fan at 10 a.m. to wake me up; and my dad and cousins who always pull my leg for everything and nothing. I’m sure to do my best to satisfy my new family. I bring a promise here to bring happiness to myself and to my new family too. A changeover from being a daughter and sister to a wife and daughter-in-law. What kind of a curse to all girls to leave her family halfway and go just like that! I’ll wait for the day I can visit my family again. Once in a week or maybe twice a month? That is going to the toughest yet unforgettable moment in my life too. ❤️

© Yashica Priya


Finally 🥰
Reached 1K followers on BEYOND THE END.
Blog life has been the best. ❤️
Feeling blessed, totally. I still remember those days where I had a life that was lame, and people disliking me. Now, I’m here, known to many people just by name and my writings!
Whatever you do, do with love, passionately.
Believe. Believe hard that you deserve the best. It’ll reach you somehow. Spread Love and Peace at infinite measures.
Many thanks to my beloveds who always kept me balancing with positive vibes!

Thank you all for the constant support and good words that lifted me to write better and improve!
More love, peace, and prayers to each of you. 🤗
To write is to take a chance, but to get noticed is beyond a blessing. ❤️❤️❤️

Much Love,
Yashica Priya. 🙏💗

What’s Wrong in being a Housewife?

Why is that people give a weird look when I say “I want to be a housewife”?
They be like, “Yeah? Seriously? Why don’t you go for a job and be independent?”
This is so irritating at times.
Yes, I have a good educational career, have worked previously, and earned enough. And now when I want to settle as a homemaker, don’t hesitate to listen what a girl like me has on mind.
With the growing economy and intense popularity, the idea of women being housewives has gotten really worse. The understructure of being an “ideal” woman, according to this society today, is to have a decent degree beside the name, a great job, and a well-paid salary. Women who stay at home, preferring to be a 24*7 wife, mother, and daughter-in-law, are in no way lesser than those women who work in a greatest MNC. We too have dreams, goals to achieve, and so many. But according to me, to build my family with love, care, responsibilities means a lot rather than working for a random company’s growth. I work for my family, I help them grow, I wish to be there for them irrespective of wild winds and soothing breezes. If one chooses to stay at home, washing vessels and clothes and helping her in-laws, she is supposed to be called “brave” for sacrificing her personal dreams. I suppose it’s something that shouldn’t be degraded and pulled down with sarcasm or whatever you call it. I have the capability to run to the kitchen and manage my partner’s savings at the same time. Also I’m sure that I’m eligible to get into the workplace I really want to. I don’t see myself anywhere a step lower than other women who earn.
Maybe with this designation of housewife, I hope I can build one or few humans stronger with clarity of mind and feed them good vibes. I wouldn’t tie them with my thoughts but with my soul that’s attached so deeply within us as a family.
Don’t say that I failed to create my life by not pursuing with my career. Not everyone does their career or job with love. Choosing to be a housewife takes real talent and every work is done passionately with lively presence and soft smiles, which I think is most needed to live life fully. The meaning of a family is to grow together with compassion, love, and respect towards each other. It is not a NECESSITY to work. I wish women support each other when they choose to settle down as a proud homemaker! No matter how much we do, we never get a “Wow” or a “Congratulations on your bonus” exclamations. There’s no sick leave or casual leave.
We make “house” a happy “home” to live in. We’re hired once and are forever hired.

© Yashica Priya

Happy Women’s Day

Happy Women’s Day to all the lovely women out there.

Being a woman, always remember you deserve more of respect, love, and affection. You are stronger than you will ever know. Don’t let anyone degrade your standard. Know that you are born to live the best life. Make use of the ultimate purpose of your existence. Have the courage to walk away if anything worthy is served lesser for you. Because, your excellency is above men. Always have two kinds of attitude; one to make a real man fall for you and the other to burn the so-called men if they ill-treat you.

I love you all. More Peace be with you. ❤️

© Yashica Priya

Women, say, “I’m Happy that I’m on My Periods.”

Every month we recieve a call; a call from the uterus.
Something is on the way.
We rush to check if we have stained.
No, not yet.
We check twice or thrice before going to bed.
And later, we wake up with immense pain.
A war of 5 days.
Laying straight on bed, with those sticky pads rubbing and striking our thighs.
You see us walking with legs wider.
Because it’s inconvenient; it’s so uncomfortable.
We feel so hungry, but really don’t wish to eat anything.
We go to the workplace, and work with physical pressure.
Hell lot of mood swings.
Nobody cares; nor they’re willing to.
After a tiring day, we take a hectic travel to reach home.
We try to sleep and try to find one comfortable position to sleep peacefully.
Hell no. We feel every drop of blood that’s dripping.
The cramps are horrible.
We survive the pain.
We breathe through the rotten blood smell.
We bleed so that the Earth can have enough lives.
Our blood is a Siren that indicates we’re healthy and normal.
Men, take our pain more serious. We tolerate it beyond limits. Just three days. It won’t last longer. Adjust with us.
Red dots on our back are not a shame, but pride.
Because, Bleeding is a Blessing. ❤

“I’m happy to say that I’m on my periods.”

© Yashica Priya


The brave heart took a great challenge to fight against an other country.
They started it all; they killed our people,
but then it was time to unveil the face of our true Hero, Abhinandan.
It was a battle on the sky, a huge battle.
Such an unfortunate that he ended up landing on the ground of the opposition country,
where he was caught and beaten up.
Just because he was an Indian and belonged to the Indian Air Force?
He tried all possible ways, ran on all the four directions;
Not to save himself but to safeguard all the confidential documents he had with him.
He tried swallowing a few, but caught in hands of horrific people.
His hands were tied, eyes were blindfolded, and face dripping with blood and sweat,
It did break the hearts of every Indian,
to see our own human in extreme grievance.
The worry we Indians had was multifarious.
He wouldn’t be aware of what was going on, where has he been trapped, or under whom.
Our hearts were drenched in pain and soreness.
But he survived the agony, and in no way his face expressed it.
The courageous heart had the politeness, the same melodious tone of voice, and the bravery to go through it.
Can someone do this much to save their country?
Like a Lion amongst snakes.
But then after we heard that he’s safe and returning back to his Mother Nation,
we felt happiness beyond miles.
We love you, Sir.
You wipped off the empathy we had on you and replaced it with huge proud.
I’m so glad to say that I live in the country where Wg. Cdr. Abhinandan resides.
He is finally back.
Love and Peace.

~ A proud Indian,
© Yashica Priya

The Best Husband?

Finding the best husband is not on any woman’s dictionary. His looks, skin tone, or rugged voice don’t come under the expectations of “best” that women ask for. Having the best husband is decided on how good his family is, how his family treats you and how lovable and supportive they’re to each other. He has to be good and true to himself. That’s where he stands as a man. He should know the ethical formula of treating a woman right. He must treat you the way he treats his mother or sister. If he tortures you, hurt you, make you cry in the name of “so-called love”, it’s not a good move. If he treats his family well but not you, it means he doesn’t see you as one among his family. Yes, I have a Husband who is so sure that every woman has to be treated nice. And he, no matter what, says, “Raising hands or talking ill about her is never an icon of being a great man”. There are few things that we have to learn from few men here and there. There are a lot a difference between a “typical” stereotypical guys and a “man” who knows the value of a good woman. He has always taught me not to discourage or carry hatred.
I’m not too great, neither is he.
But we’re perfectly matched. He knows my life, he understood my hardships, and still calls me his best partner. When people judged me bad, he never addressed me as wrong.

Choose a man, not someone who will constantly hit you with words, anger, or mental pressure. Let go if they’re not comfortable with you. Don’t force someone to love you. Never; never do that. If God destined you to be with them, He would have. Love is a thing that should be carried on with mesmerizing happiness from both sides, but not as a burden to each other. Everyone deserves a happy life. Work on your goals and God will direct your steps.

© Yashica Priya

February 14, 2019—a Dark Day.

That was a heartbreaking incident that took place at Pulwama in Jammu and Kashmir, India. Our brave soldiers were shot dead by bomb blast by the terrorist group. 42 pure souls have lost their life for the nation.

While we gave beautiful gifts for our partners on Valentine’s day, these people sacrificed their lives for their country.
A distressing love story of our Indian Army for country’s peace.

RIP, Soldiers. We salute you, courageous hearts.
Condolences and prayers to their families.

Whoever is responsible will pay for this!

© Yashica Priya

Lost in the Dark?

The perplexed feeling you earn makes you conclude that you have no more of anything to lose further in life, which totally leads to frustration, meaning letting go of inner peace.
You would have had a bad day. You find that people are big-headed. You think that things did not fall at the right place. This is alright. But wait. What do you call as a bad day?
Having missing the train or the bus? Checking in late for the interview? An error in the output? A scolding from your boss? Complaints over having less of salt in your favourite food? The annoyance about the late delivery of pizza? The burnt toast? A break up with boyfriend or girlfriend? A conflict with best friend? Disappointment about the incomplete work?
So these make one day of your life bad.

But think for a little while before complaining, because these are simple criticisms we face according to the varied situations. When you go through such seriousness, don’t you think they can be resolved?
Up till now, there are still people, whose lives are puzzling.
A man, pulling the four-wheeled bullock cart, receives a salary of ₹50 to run his family.
A lovable father, who is the pillar of support to his family, is dying of cancer. Every hair fall from his head reminds him of his death.
A child, at the age of primary schooling, sells plums at the school gate to take care of his sick mother.
A girl, who went for work, was raped on the street and never came back home.
A woman, being left by her husband, who guided her children with the daily wages, got her legs paralyzed in an accident.
An 85-year-old, despite having a family, is at an orphanage hoping for someone to turn up at least once.

By vocalising about the people whom we don’t meet in everyday life, you will notice all the incredible things you possess. The complications we hold have a way out, because what we experience is just a minute of trouble; but on a pity note, these people are fated to have a life like this. Besides all these troubles, they still hope for a one-step-ahead future. The braveness lifts them up.
Remember that we own something more than such lives. Sometimes, we take life for granted, having not satisfied with what we have. We seek for more—more than what we deserve. The thirst over luxury should be limited. That being so, when things didn’t end up the way you wished, be mindful of the fact that everything happens for a betterment.


© Yashica Priya

Crazy but Cute !

Treat your spouse like your Best Friend.
Love is not always about saying I love you” all the time. Sometimes it’s about making the weirdest insult on the other and laughing at each other in public. Let the world stare at you both. Few things that are worthy aren’t always meant to be admired. ❤️❤️

© Yashica Priya

Let Them Go

Let them go.
If they walk away from you, let them walk.
Don’t stop them.
Let them go.
If they wanted you, they would have stayed.
If you loved them and if they hate you, let them go.
If they are meant to be with you, there is no doubt they would’ve continued to be with you.
Observe the way they walk away from you. Observe the reasons they walk away from you. Don’t stop them walking. Let them walk.
Nothing is an accident and nothing just happens.
If they don’t need you, it means they don’t need you. Believe that.
If they don’t like you, it means they don’t like you. Believe that too.
Goodbye is a gift, not everyone gets that.
Your destiny is not tied to the person who left you hanging.
They were here to tell you something.
Cry, it is fine.
But too much of unhappiness gives you guilt.
When people leave, it is not always your mistake.
Who wins, when you move on?
Who wins, if you start living again?
Who wins, when you stop sobbing over?
Who wins, when you leave the past behind?
One day, it is going to be over.
Your fear, your anxiety, your anger, your misery. It will be over.
Blame them for what they have done, but bless them for making you a stronger person.
Thank them for showing what you don’t need.
Know that, if they understood better, they would have done better.
Know that, you don’t have to spend time on something that’s taking all your energy.
You can never be happy if you wish bad for others.
I assure that you can never live in peace by spoiling other’s comfort.
Put your happy seeds now, so that it grows well and someday gives you the best shadow of good life.
That is the gift you give for yourself in the future.
From today, create moments for yourself.

© Yashica Priya

Bitter Past and the Reconstruction

Everyone has a past, which is a closed book one holds. It is not truly necessary to bring it out to anyone, even to your better half, actually. But make sure that your past only builds you up and improves you and not makes you tough.
Each of the women has had a worst experience. She was forced for child labour. She was raped for a stranger’s enjoyment. She was betrayed by the one she dreamt her life with. She was cheated in the name of love. She was exploited in the name of marriage and drowy. She was backstabbed. She was pushed to the very end of life. She lost the identity of her existence. She was dragged to failure. She was dominated everytime. So men, if you get a girl who went through such consequences, lift her up and lead her future with all your efforts. Wash her hair. Cook her food. Help her succeed. Motivate her dreams. Let her achieve; let her win; let her live. She is too delicate to be dismissed.

In the case of men, he sacrificed his ambition for his family. He did not pursue his dream career because of poverty. He was turned down in a number of interviews. He was often blamed for being unemployed. He carries huge duties on head. He undergoes a severe suffering. He is broken and lost. You women, finding a man is easy. But growing a life with a guy who is going through such heartaches is a real talent. Have on mind that he is fighting for the basic needs. He fights to maintain his relationship. He battles for survival and hardships. Take him as a challenge to shape him and help him grow better. He will, for sure, return it to you in huge. He can sacrifice anything for you.

All that a human needs is support and motivation. Remember, we emerge from experiences. So, never feel repentant about the dead and buried past. Think what is next. It only raises us higher and higher. There is always a better life ahead of the worst past.

© Yashica Priya

Eiffel Tower, She the Beauty 💌

The highway in the close of day sounded much.

The euphoria of beaming physiognomy added pleasure in bunch.

Taking a walk to the Eiffel Tower,

she checked out to be stunning.

Among the darkest side of the world,

she stood high above all, covering the views in glaze.

With ravishing dazzle and brilliant lustre,

she was grabbing the emotions of million hearts.

As a woodland catching flames of fires,

she dressed up in yellow and multiple lights at the nightfall.

Posing the same way her entire life,

nobody had the lack of concern looking at it.

The firecrackers blasting above her,

she stands like a King without fear.

She is definitely not an abstract,

but absolutely the real smasher.

© Yashica Priya

Pain that Changes You

To all the broken hearts!

Every soul goes through pain that cannot be explained.
The way of expressing is different, whereas few show it by anger, and few by tears.

If something kills you inside, it either means you are still longing for it or it literally tore you apart.
But believe; there is no such pain that can last longer. You sure have a remedy. It all depends on what and how you choose things to be later.

The pain that you are experiencing now will make you laugh after a decade. It does for sure. All that matter is how you move on from what pulled you down.
If you keep sticking to what hurts you, it gives you even more deep scars.

It’s okay to cry, but not always.
It’s okay to realize, but do not be sorry.
But it is never okay to hold on to anything longer which ditched you.
Always wish that nobody should ever go through such hard times like you, and by this, blessings come in your way.

The truth is that you, the one who is weak, would be a cure to someone who is so far from you, who almost gave up on life and searching for a person like you.
You both will make a pleasant life ahead.

The saddest part is we sometimes forget how awesome we have been to ourselves, because problem arises when we start thinking what others think about us. Stop doing that.

There is no beautiful person than anyone who actually believes how strong he/she is.
Choose your life. Take a career. Move on with what makes you smile beautifully.

Pain kills.
Pain is annoying.
Pain is beautiful.
Be an inspiration.

You are a miracle! 💚 Love and Peace to all.

© Yashica Priya

Gender Equality

Heading on to verbalize today’s reality, the first thing that bangs on head is the concern about Feminism.
It is hugely believed that women have equal integrity and principles as of men, which is faithfully not. There are some significant rights that a woman has to possess.

Speaking directly forward, women do not even own reproductive rights, in few culture. When you go deep inside about people who have superstitious beliefs, it is clearly witnessed that she has no rights over birth control.
When you call feminism as a goal of gender equality, why isn’t a girl being treated that way? Why is it men’s power everywhere? Does “gender” make the only difference? Why is a woman pointed for everything?

If they say that a female is raped for the way she dresses, what makes a guy rape a 2-year-old girl child?
If a well-shaped structure attracts him, what did he find in a 82-year-old lady? Where did the conception of dressing go here? When a man cannot step-down after seeing a woman suffering in an illegal way because of him, he is not human. Humanity lacks everywhere, and so justice.

Even though if they say that women have enough freedom, it is still clueless what they actually mean when she is not let out alone at night or when she cannot travel abroad to accomplish her dream.
If you cannot watch a woman win, at least do not backstab her from behind. Everytime when she is losing her will to succeed, the backbone of the cultural and economic organization is being ruined.
When the society of men wants women to dress properly, it is the same society of women who wishes men to behave decently.

When you really address about women’s lib or have a desire to influence over feminism, be a feminist first.
Without feminism, women empowerment is altogether impossible. If men cannot support this, at least let them not be male chauvinist.
Think. Support. Be human.

© Yashica Priya

Admire and Appreciate!

When people commented on a girl’s physique, a guy’s low lifestyle, a man’s salary, a family’s moral values, I wish they complimented those beautiful souls on the little smiles they had while handling unexplainable pain, for the strength they possessed when everything went out of control, for the polite gestures of ignorance they gave when they were made fun of, and for the love and gratitude they still show on their basic standards. They are the most fascinating piece of elegance.
Always learn to appreciate everything and everyone you see and develop the habit of spotting the best out of what you see is the worst.
The badge of being positive is defined in us when we understand that there are really good genuine things around us which truly touch our heart. Strongly disagree to any kind of negative judgements and happily welcome the grace of pure goodness.
Love and Peace to all. ❤

© Yashica Priya

Career: Decision-Making | Exploring Long-Term Aspirations

While there are a few stumbling blocks for deciding the career, there are even more feasibility and likelihood to reach the career you hopefully need. Career and the way to make it possible rely on the latitude one holds. If you have thousand obstacles and million reasons to give up on it, be strong on one vigorous reason why you want to establish it. Some steps are fundamentally demanded in the process.
First, analyze the analysis. Remember your priority and check on yourself.

Second, determine what to be fetched from the career that is about to be built, as in, the thereafter success and the vibrant conclusion.

Third, decide where to start from and what to start with. This is one of the extensive requirements. Plan everything prior that nothing gets diverted in between. And also, always have an alternative plan if Plan A did not work. (I shouldn’t be negative, but talking on reality that in the case of tiny troubles, having a backup is always greater!).

Fourth, gather every little information and study a lot about the theory.

Fifth, perform the first step and applaud yourself.

Sixth, the most important, do all the above without fear.

Predominantly, in case, if there is a failure, don’t give up because what I consider truthful is, your biggest failure turns out as epic success.

Choosing a career is simple, but the performance henceforth matters the most. Aims are the ability from within. Explore and bring them to light.
Measure your mind and and fight against the distractions on the willingness to taste your dream career. Utilize your strength and proficiency to make it salt and spicy.

© Yashica Priya

With Him, Anything would be Perfect ❤️

I would love to wander around with my husband, resting upon the couch and resting myself on him and enjoy looking at his innocent gaze, and I would desperately want to spend time together, preparing tasty Rotisserie Chicken and teasing each other in our really pretty house with colorful curtains all around in the music world of laughter and smiles. Just uniting each other’s heart with fondness and devotion. 🎶👑💋

#Goals. 🎀

© Yashica Priya

New Year 2019!

A Very Happy New Year to every lovely soul out there!
Thank you lots for keeping me up all the time, encouraging my work, and keep telling me that I deserve the best life. I love you all so much. 🍀
Special thanks to the unpleasant companions who left me so soon. It was not actually a loss, but a clean-up of dirt from life. I feel immense pleasure and gratefulness for it. ❤
Love, Peace, and Prayers🌸

2019 Vibes!

Much Love,

Yashica Priya.

Breaking Someone’s Trust is a Sin!

Nothing hurts more than being betrayed by the person we love the most. This is so ironically true, and it’s been happening in a lot of cases recently. Betrayal doesn’t always mean of committing adultery after marriage or having another affair during a relationship; being disloyal, false-hearted, inconstant, and breaking someone’s trust are also few amongst. Matter-of-factly, it is too rare to find someone who’s completely willing to dedicate themselves to you. If you find one, keep them. You might get attracted to them, obviously. But before you express your feelings for them, make sure if you are stable enough to handle it till the end. A true relationship is a not a one person’s journey. It must have two strong hearts to fight for each other. If you cannot make it successful, don’t even let the person know that you’re interested in them. Don’t leave them wandering alone in the end with the reason of your family, caste, or finding someone better. Remember the assurance that you gave them initially. Only with that hope you gave the other person would have proceeded. Whatever you give thoughts to while breaking up, I wish you have it at first place before giving the pledge of undertaking that serious commitment. Moving on might be easy from one side, but it won’t be the same for the other person. They would have felt you from heart, physically and emotionally. What could be the even more ugliest sin than breaking someone’s trust and just heading away with your own life? Relationship must be a forever agreement; it’s not a let’s-just-try competition to simply be in it and leave when you know it’s hard to win. Think again and again and again if you really want to be in that relationship and then get into it. Think if you have the capability to fight with your family.
A commitment is not as easy as we think it is. It’s a worthwhile feeling with that one person. Be wise while you choose. If not, stay away. The foundation of the trust you built at first shouldn’t vanish halfway. When you leave your so-called relationship apart, you are causing a great misery to the person who trusted you since the day you wanted them.
Days move ahead, but the soul you cheated on would experience a lifetime injury. They cannot love someone else the way they loved you. After being wounded by the wrong person for the right way of loving, even true love would sound suspicious to them later. The bruises remain. They start missing themselves at one point. Be clear-sighted in cases like these. There are high chances it would make you a better human. Loving someone somewhere by making someone cry isn’t where your life gains a meaning. Understand and act real.

To someone who has gone/is going through this pain:
It’s truly not okay. But still, leave it right there. Build back and fight for your real needs. They simply don’t deserve even a piece of you as your best days are so near. So it’s okay. Move on, but go on. ❤

© Yashica Priya

Everything matters!

Regrets are powerful just like destiny. Destiny is where you end up. Regret is where you grow up. Both are important and must be worthwhile. Everything in your life matters. Learn from the bad; rejoice all the good; let go of what doesn’t suit you; ignore unhealthy thoughts; and love yourself and admire what you are. You are never lesser than anyone or anything. You are precious—pretty fabulous. You deserve to be the extraordinary, because you are one.
Love and Peace to all. ❤️

© Yashica Priya

The Right Love

Oh my love, the right and last love of my life.
The way clouds start splitting up into small cotton balls and go fading,
giving clear vision of sky blushing with the brightest sunshine to the world,
in the same way you ended all my miseries by coming in, giving beautiful colours to my life.
Waking up with burdens has now been replaced with unexplainable happiness,
as you promised to give me loyalty and your time.
This love is so divine, so soothing, and so blissful.
I’m longing for the passionate feel of being wrapped around your arms;
but it makes me long for more whenever you’re not around.
Hot balls of fire striking my head while you move from me,
adding burns to this fragile heart and taking away all my peace.
This isn’t a let-it-go kind of bond,
but a bond that deserves standing by and accepting the hardest pain.
Wanting to be with you forever could be my only everlasting wish now and always;
I want to hear you breathe, sense your instinct, feel your touch, and completely inhale all the love from your soul.
I just want to scream to the universe about my dreams with you, and stand by you to make all your wishes come true.
Just like how snow pours out slowly and slightly but covers the land fully,
I want to shower bits and pieces of good moments on you and make your life complete.
You make me go crazy, and it’s worthwhile to travel every moment of life with a person like you.

© Yashica Priya

Happy Men’s Day ❣️

Amongst other men who rape and disrespect women, there are other gentle-hearted men out there who see a mother’s love in wife’s warmth, treat her well, respect her choices, listen to her broken stories, lift her up when she falls, and hug her with silent prayers.
Happy Men’s Day to those lovely kinds! More love and peace to you.
You guys are absolutely special. 💕

© Yashica Priya

How exactly should Education be today?

The policy of educating is completely on an inappropriate realisation.

Taking the case of today’s educational system, education should be meant of training a child about the basic etiquettes, morals, and good lesson.

Studying about Sachin Tendulkar or MS Dhoni might be an inspiration, but how to implement new ideas to become one like them is education.

For how many centuries should schools or colleges teach about the theories that Einstein or Edison left behind? Know for the fact that they studied from nobody and no theory. Their discoveries came from their own knowledge. How long should a child study about the x-axis and y-axis in mathematics or how light refracted differently on a prism in physics? Are the institutions really educating them? If education is an art, one should add colours to it to make it look pleasant. What exactly do you think a student is observing in the chemistry lab? The theory how it works? No. They admire how blue changes into pink, and this happens when he/she is not interested to know what is actually needed. Adding unwanted or uninterested know-hows can gain nothing at the end.

Perhaps that is the reason why a biology student works in an IT firm and IT students maintain their own business.

Sex education was made compulsory in few institutions but why a woman shouldn’t be touched wasn’t taught anywhere. The concept of intellectual academics failed right there. Education today is all about adding the graduation degree on the wedding card. Only a very few use it in a right manner. One out of hundred says, ” I do this for my parents and their wish”. For what? Then when to live for themselves? Mental pressure takes place because of not wanting to do what they don’t like and a huge depression of not being able to do what they wanted. This is why the progress is sustained. The basic foundational hindarance it is.

The major problem is, temporary marks are valued the most than the permanent dreams. Parents cannot appreciate that 80% grade and worry only about that 20% they missed. If this mindset hadn’t been at place, many lives would’ve been saved.

If you’re reading this, remember you are mature enough to understand your children now or in the future that quality and progress in their favourite field will fetch zen percent success more than studying about history and geography. Definitely basic knowledge about everything is needed, say manners, principles, percepts, but don’t crush them with it. Don’t squeeze their brains so much into something. Let them experience and learn from it. If that happens so, new breakthroughs are really possible.

“Be like whom you want to become”. Help them bring out their hidden talent. One should be their own inspiration. Let them say, “I got inspired by myself“.

© Yashica Priya

India Misses Him. The Best Leader We Ever Had.

Happy Birthday Sir Abdul Kalam.

We lost the only most valuable treasure that India possessed. While others are marked special for their talents, he is marked honourable for the honest affection toward every individual and for the plain-spoken thoughts. From poverty to great inspiration, without being big-headed for his popularity, he set the perfect illustration for being a real human. He tended to be a kid at heart and a genius at mind. The “actual” President India had in this and upcoming centuries. His deeds and accomplishments are remarkable.

Sir, you’re the most generous and genuine person one would have come across. You still exist in the form of each citizen who is heading toward his/her dream. Thank you to had been the pillar of reinforcement to every Indian inhabitants. You’ll be missed forever.

© Yashica Priya

Never Your Loss

In life you have let people walk away when they want to. Instead of regretting that they left you, make them regret to had missed you. Teach them a lesson that it’s wrong to let go of things soon that is worth having for lifetime. It’s okay to teach people who become illiterates while choosing a life. Don’t have a war with something which you know will make you lose yourself at the end. Don’t suspect your goodness just because someone didn’t value it.

© Yashica Priya

Games are Addiction

If you’re an addict of PC/Android games, try to reduce it as much as possible and as soon as possible. Focusing so much on such is a total disaster that causes low attention to the happenings around you. Games like that are actually blindfolds that don’t let you help you take your real life seriously. You will lack concentration and your memory power becomes really less in days time. And the clarity of your vision gets extremely lower. It’s been recently proven! Please take care and do the needful for your own wellbeing.

© Yashica Priya

Be More of Positivity

When I thought things are not possible, hardwork said, “Try me constantly”.
When I thought no love is permanent, soulful parents promised, “I’m here”.
When I thought I couldn’t move on from past, busy schedules said, “You can, with me”.
When I thought I’m done with life, happy moments said, “I’ll come to you when you’re ready to live without complaints”.
When I thought people hate me, my conscience said, “You’re the best”.
When I thought I’m less at beauty, heartbeats said, “I’m more important to survive; nothing else”.
When I thought I should give up, my instinct screamed, “Don’t; you’re near”.
When I thought I’m not eligible, the next offer said, “This is worth the delay”.
When I thought it was all over, courage said, “Take a risk”.
When I thought I shouldn’t live anymore, future asked, “Don’t you need me?”
When I thought pain is intolerant, hope said, “You’ll have the best days ahead”.
When I thought I finally succeeded, confidence said, “This is just the beginning”.

Do you understand? All the failures are only because of the “I think/I thought” factors you imagine. Always hope for the best and move forward with happy emotions and positive vibes. Trust me they do miracles. There’s always a best thing behind every “NO” and every pullback. Just believe it’s getting better. You come out stronger than before. Set an example and be an admiration. Beauty comes once you bloom. Dream big, because you’re eligible for that. ❤

© Yashica Priya

Knowing Self-worth is More Important

Today, I breathe without people I thought I wouldn’t live without.
I eat to stay healthy for myself without thinking if my once-upon-favourites had eaten food.
I sleep in peace instead of worrying about the “Why me” and “What if” things.
I feel so good about myself today after struggling with lots of injuries in heart.
I understood that I should be only person for me to come before anyone else.
I’m so happy to live life pleasantly.
I became mentally so strong to accept rejections or discouragement at any moment.
I finally realised that it’s never okay to give someone a 100% who deserve only a 40, and it is not acceptable to prioritise someone who should had been cleared from the circle long back.
Always understand that you cannot skip the characters you meet in life. You only can get through them. Remove people from life whom you know are blocking the blessings God has sent you. Life would be much much better once you recognise when to let go of people who add wrong flavours to your mental health, and learn how to master your thoughts.
You will be healed and reshaped very soon. Love and Peace to all. ❤

© Yashica Priya


A physical and a metal suprise for every female.

It all started with a pimple on her face and terrible pain on her back.
Changes occured, where she started admiring herself.
She blushed and her face turned red.
She knew that she has to get through this every month, and she wished for the three days to get off soon.

Anciently, how was she treated?

She was regarded odd for three days every month.
She was not allowed to move or touch anything or to cross the place-limit provided, meaning she has to be away and everything she touches is a sin.
She was followed to every place inside the house wherever she goes, with a person behind sprinkling water on the floor.
She was mentally prisoned.
No men realized that she was hurt at times she was handled this way.

In fact, she was pure; she was bold; she was powerful; she was strong.

Yet, she was growing with pains that she couldn’t handle. But it seemed too simple for others.

Every woman has to be honoured, celebrated, admired, and glorified, because SHE IS RECOGNIZED FOR THIS.

© Yashica Priya

I’m Happy with What I Do Today

People usually ask me, “Why don’t you make money through blogging?”.
Frankly speaking, I had no such intentions when I first started writing. I initiated this blog just to improve my language skill. But now, I started focusing on writing more about being positive and how good it is to take life without ego and hatred. Because there are, in today’s world, so many distractions, evil energies, broken hearts, failed relationships, split-apart families and friends. When I write today, I get a lot of feedback like I make few people better with my words. Wisdom comes with experience and life lessons, and hence I believe there are little chances that would make lives better with my articles. Because, not everything can be shared with everybody, and few souls that are longing to cure from personal heartbreaks would feel much much better by reading those words written by unknown people. I’m happily doing that right now. Thanks a ton for all the support. Love and Peace to you all ❤

© Yashica Priya

Whatever You Do, Do With Love

When you want to help anyone, do it whole heartedly without expecting anything in return. It doesn’t mean you will be blessed instantly. Because blessings work in miraculous ways. Don’t do something so that you can get it back. Do even the simplest things with greater love. That is the purest happiness. Making someone happy with your efforts travels beyond words. They will cherish it everytime and remember you. Feed at least two people in a year, present gifts whenever you feel like, surprise your loved ones when they don’t ask at all, get to know someone’s favourite and give them memories from that, visit an orphanage and give all your love to them, grow one rose plant and water it every morning, and there are many more. Love is everything. It exists everywhere, in every little form of what you do. Do with love or don’t do at all. The universe has account of everything that you do. Good and bad. Everything counts, and everything has a reward. You might move ahead, but God never forgets. You reap what you sow. ❤

© Yashica Priya

Who is “She”?

I wish to dedicate this to all the two-faced men (where ever you exist) !

She is strong enough to meet new people.
She is strong enough to trust them.
She is strong enough to get hurt again.
She is strong enough to believe the lies.
She is strong enough to try harder.
She is strong enough to face variety of pains.
She is strong enough to overcome betrayals.
She is strong enough to take care of herself.
She is strong enough to give another life.
She is strong enough to get through pain.
She is strong enough to stand up for herself.
She is strong enough to move on.
She is strong enough to bandage her cuts.
And moreover,
She is strong enough to heal herself.

Women are not as simple as you think them to be, physically and mentally.

Don’t ever compare a girl with your mother and kill her with words.
It is just that your dad is pretty much a MAN to hold and understand his woman, UNLIKE YOU.

Does this post sound dramatic? There are so many men out there who is damaging a soul of women. Luckily God hasn’t let a few of us that way, but somewhere, a mother or a sister is going through the worst phases of their life because of marriages or relationships with unworthy men.

© Yashica Priya

Okay, so Imagine as I Say.

A few years later from today, you will sit on a fluffy cushion in your own apartment with your partner God blessed you with. Your living room is painted in a beautiful colour and your best-loved painting is on the wall. Your children play happily in front of your eyes. You hold your partner’s hand and watch the favourite TV show. Butter popcorn is getting ready in the kitchen. And, the next day is a special occasion and you’re all set for it. You will be ten times happier than you’re today. You have so much money to donate to an orphanage. You feel happy that God has blessed you higher than what you lost previously and feel thankful. Life is good. You are chill!

Doesn’t this sound cute? Keep dreaming and make it happen. ❤

© Yashica Priya

Goals with My Partner ❤️

Yaaay. So that will be the first day with him!

I’m so excited.

Will wake him up with a cup of coffee? Oh, maybe.

I might start the day with quality smiles and much love shared together.

Wow. I’m totally enjoying my life with him.

Oh god! He is completely great for me.

Perfectly matched.

We go for a trip to the hills and click crazy pictures.

So many selfies. So many varieties of foods. Very new outfits. With him😍 I feel great.

We make the most annoying jokes and still laugh.

Rubbish conversations teasing each other and it is totally worth with him. (People, no focused gaze on us, please.)

He teaches me driving in the mid of the highways. He literally laughs, as I make the wrong clutches. And I laugh along with him LOL. We again laugh about this after an hour or so, too.

He sarcastically smiles at my brainless acts.

Crazy soul, he has so much patience to handle my insanity.

Life is good.

Little little quarrels. Small conflicts.

We didn’t talk for two hours.

Aah, no more. “I’m sorry”. Well, it’s done now.

I feel loved.

Now, a huge concentration on family life.

His routines and workloads.

No great bond? Not really, but no time to explore.

Perhaps, now I don’t wake him with a cup of coffee.

We didn’t talk for two days.

I yell.

Not minding each other.

I shout.

We didn’t talk for a week. Crap.

He stopped giving a damn.

Oh shit, I fight now.

Still he doesn’t.

He has time to laugh at memes.

Bloody, he deserves hell.

Anger at peak, he is going to be shot dead by me.

I have my ego now.

I feel all alone.

No soul or no companion.

I wouldn’t like if he is close with some other woman. Cloud nine! I’m possessive.

What is mine meant only to be mine😍

Fights or anger isn’t a part of a great bonding too? It is. That could absolutely be the best relationship. Priorities now change because it has to, for the greatest life ahead.

Sharing him? NO WAY😍

I should be his only CONSTANT! 🎀

© Yashica Priya

Create Happiness

Spread good vibes. Be the reason someone smiles today. Be happy. Bless everyone and everything. Say thank you, even to your failures. Laugh more and cry very little. The world needs more of good people. You deserve happiness. You deserve peace. Let go of what tears you apart. Everything is going to be fine someday, sometime. Nothing lasts longer, even your sorrows. Be the best of what you are. Become the best of what you can. You are an inspiration. You are important to be in this world. You are here to spread love. Love each other. Be silent if your words would hurt someone. Be calm if you don’t know how to react. Congratulate and praise whoever you see. It might be simple for you but it would last in their hearts for lifetime. The world should remember you for your sweet gestures and kind words after you are gone.

Love and Peace to you all. ❤️

© Yashica Priya


Read the post and then decide to neglect or not.
A deep concern from my side and from what I have read so far and observed.

From a very simple baby powder, we have all grown now to a variety of beauty cosmetics. True right? First of all, what exactly does a cosmetic give you?
A perfection? A satisfaction? A mental pleasure? A temporary glamour? Or whatever you call it, let it be aside.
Have you ever noticed how advanced the world of cosmetic now is? Say, you have thousands of brands, creams, perfumes, lip colours, facial kits, scrubs, and much more. (Let me be precise, and say about the major effects of them.)
Basically, when you use a cream for the first time, you find it way too attractive. But before that, how many of us go through/read the ingredients (which are actually “chemicals”) added to the product, which is listed on the other side of the cover? We do not. May be the are branded and expensive and the chemicals used are mild, we think. But guess, around 15 mild chemicals used together, is it still mild? Be aware of a very critical and supreme reality that our face has the most sensitive skin, especially lips and the skin around eyes. And our entire body has tiny pores that observe whatever touches the skin. Talking about the facial pores, we use most of the products to our face. Meanwhile, on continuously applying creams on the skin, think twice about the later hazards as well. (I’m not completely against it, but using them occasionally is absolutely fine.)
Lipsticks or lipbalm—do you ever know how severe it is? From an observation I say, if you use it without gaps, and you stop it all of a sudden, you can clearly see the colour of your lips changing dark. It happens when the chemicals start exposing the reality.
Heard about “Paraben”? It is one of the preservatives used while preparing cosmetics. Paraben is used in almost all the products, and it has a serious effect on men if they use it. Paraben has the tendency to reduce the sperm count. Can you believe? Unfortunately, it is true. So, in a very few products, there would be mentioned “paraben-free”, if you clearly notice.
Most of the research has observed that chemicals used in beauty products are leading to cancer, especially breast cancer in women (they say, cancer is not a disease but business. Yes it is.)
The more you get addicted to makeup, the more it causes a temptation in you, which is a real-life issue.
Please take this little seriously, before it gets serious on yourself.

© Yashica Priya