Tag Archives: #mothersday

Mother’s Day 🤱

Mother—A position every woman loves to hold, be in it, and do the justice for the term. From the moment her child is born and till the last breathe on her deathbed, all that she does is sacrifice. She sacrificed her virginity. She was ready to accept the changes in her body. Her altered hormones though. She tolerated the soreness to breastfeed you. She heard hundreds and thousands of advices to raise you well. She always checked on every meal before giving you. She always made sure your cot is neat and clean, your dresses are ready for the next day, and shoes are well polished. She made no excuses to make your favourite sandwiches for your lunch box while in haste cooking dal and bhindi for the family. She always saved the best pieces of chicken for you and made sure you plate is full everytime. She was falling apart whenever you were sick, but never failed to boost you up. She always believed in you, your work, in your success, and most importantly when you failed. She kept you motivating. She kept you growing. As we grew up, we hurt her the most with or without knowledge but she is never complaining and never sharing her pain with anyone. Because no matter what, we know she will not hate us. We took her for granted, made fun of her, and didn’t care to notice her hardships. Every day as long as she is alive, cherish her presence, be with her, talk to her, make her feel like she is the best human in the Universe. If you’re reading this and are away from her, ring her up and say “Thank you for everything”. Because she loved you with your mistakes and even at her hardest times.

Happy Mother’s Day, to all women here, and especially to the ones who are soon planning to be one. ❤️ Lots of love and peace to you.

© Yashica Priya

Happy Mother’s Day 😊

Happy mother’s day to all the fabulous Moms in the universe who is making their families a heavenly surrounding and their house a happy paradise. Each of the woman I met so far is pretty stronger in their own way of beauty. Apart from all physical pain and hormonal changes, they emerge and never stop blooming! They’re nothing lesser but extraordinary and more. Special wishes to a dad, a friend, a husband, a brother, a sister, or whosoever it may concern, who act as a replacement of being a mother to someone in some way at some time by giving complete care and warmth regardless of any factor. Love, Peace, and Prayers to each such soul. ❤❤
Nobody here deserves an old age home. :’)

Much Love,

© Yashica Priya 🌸