Tag Archives: #passion

What’s Wrong in being a Housewife?

Why is that people give a weird look when I say “I want to be a housewife”?
They be like, “Yeah? Seriously? Why don’t you go for a job and be independent?”
This is so irritating at times.
Yes, I have a good educational career, have worked previously, and earned enough. And now when I want to settle as a homemaker, don’t hesitate to listen what a girl like me has on mind.
With the growing economy and intense popularity, the idea of women being housewives has gotten really worse. The understructure of being an “ideal” woman, according to this society today, is to have a decent degree beside the name, a great job, and a well-paid salary. Women who stay at home, preferring to be a 24*7 wife, mother, and daughter-in-law, are in no way lesser than those women who work in a greatest MNC. We too have dreams, goals to achieve, and so many. But according to me, to build my family with love, care, responsibilities means a lot rather than working for a random company’s growth. I work for my family, I help them grow, I wish to be there for them irrespective of wild winds and soothing breezes. If one chooses to stay at home, washing vessels and clothes and helping her in-laws, she is supposed to be called “brave” for sacrificing her personal dreams. I suppose it’s something that shouldn’t be degraded and pulled down with sarcasm or whatever you call it. I have the capability to run to the kitchen and manage my partner’s savings at the same time. Also I’m sure that I’m eligible to get into the workplace I really want to. I don’t see myself anywhere a step lower than other women who earn.
Maybe with this designation of housewife, I hope I can build one or few humans stronger with clarity of mind and feed them good vibes. I wouldn’t tie them with my thoughts but with my soul that’s attached so deeply within us as a family.
Don’t say that I failed to create my life by not pursuing with my career. Not everyone does their career or job with love. Choosing to be a housewife takes real talent and every work is done passionately with lively presence and soft smiles, which I think is most needed to live life fully. The meaning of a family is to grow together with compassion, love, and respect towards each other. It is not a NECESSITY to work. I wish women support each other when they choose to settle down as a proud homemaker! No matter how much we do, we never get a “Wow” or a “Congratulations on your bonus” exclamations. There’s no sick leave or casual leave.
We make “house” a happy “home” to live in. We’re hired once and are forever hired.

© Yashica Priya