Tag Archives: alone

Loneliness is a Huge Depression

Being alone with nobody around or have nothing to do for a longer time is a serious thing to be treated. Suffering from mental agony of loneliness is much equal to that of extreme physical pain one can go through. People like them become depressed very easily even at the simplest failures. They long for connection with people but still refuse to do that because they’re used to the feeling of isolated and being alone. The most worse cases happen when married couples become divorcees and a sudden demise of loved ones. They undergo a serious phase of irritation; lack of concentration, losing hope in life, afraid to fall in love again, or even doubt their existence anymore. The lame laziness to wake up and feel the other side of the bed is empty, sitting in an empty balcony with two cups of tea but one person, going to workplace and find nothing interesting, cooking the same set of meal everyday and washing the same old clothes, sitting in a room and looking at those walls and getting lost with confused thoughts. There are a lot of things to be done, to cherish, to establish, and to enjoy. It all depends on how to manage and tackle to keep things in order to keep abreast with the perfect illustration of our dreams. The pain of our final breathe lasts just for a minute, but every second of loneliness kills.

© Yashica Priya